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× Basic

 × Home
 × Light Wolves
 × Dark Wolves
 × Neutral Wolves
 × Disclaimer

× Packs

 × Sun Pack
 × River Pack
 × Cliff Pack
 × Moon Pack
 × Forest Pack

× Dire

 × General Rules
 × Breeding Rules
 × Fighting Rules
 × Character Rules
 × Chat Box Rules
 × Biographies

× The Lights

Light wolves are the ones who seem to always want to help people. These wolves are kind, and will only attack if they personally have to. None of these wolves are gruff or mean, and they certainly would never torment anyone. Their aggression is only when they must be, and it is always by force that they have to be. Also, Malt says they don't do grafitti.

× What Does it Cost?

Since we've had this problem before, light wolves may not be mean, cold, or otherwise selfish or cruel. That is what a dark wolf is. Any who try to make a light wolf with a dark personality will not be accepted.

× Can I Be Two?

This has also been a past problem. Your wolf is either light, dark, or neutral. They are not "a light who acts dark" or "a light that acts neutral." They are one of the three. Case closed.

× Where Do I Go?

The light wolves have two packs they can join: Sun Pack and River Pack. To join these packs, see if there is an alpha, and then post on the board requesting that they allow you to be part of the pack. They can say no, but don't feel bad if they do. Just come back some other time when you feel you can prove yourself worthy. =)